Teatro Ebasko

The 5th edition of RaMe • The Roots of the Mediterranean | International Festival of Theater and Performing Arts is part of a broader project for the cultural revitalization of the Calabrian village of Melissa (KR).

Since 2015, RaMe • The Roots of the Mediterranean has been taking place in the Crotonese territory, a project by Teatro Ebasko that develops along two main lines: the creative cultural residency and the theater and performing arts festival.

OPEN CALL | RAME FESTIVAL • July 25 to 28, 2024

RaMe Festival is a festival taking place in the village of Melissa, in the province of Crotone in southern Italy (Calabria) from July 25 to 28, 2024.

The intent is to select 4 performances and/or shows (even just the idea of staging) lasting up to 50 minutes. The performances and/or shows selected will be 2 by cachet and 2 by show barter (read more on this below). The performances and/or shows will be staged on one of the evenings of Thursday 25, Friday 26, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July 2024 (to be determined according to the festival schedule).

Submission of applications ends on 30 April 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Italian time). The outcome of the selection of artists/groups will be announced by Sunday, May 6, 2024.

The artistic direction of RaMe Festival is entrusted to Simone Bevilacqua, director and founder of Teatro Ebasko, the festival's organizing group. This edition also sees alongside the artistic direction the Young International Art Symposium (YIAS), an under-35 group that participates in the selection of performances and shows, taking on the role of Participatory Art Direction (PAD).

To apply for the 5th edition is required to pay a participation fee of €15.

WHO WE ARE. Teatro Ebasko is a theater group founded in 2015. The company's name is derived from the ancient Greek "ἡβάσκω": a verb with an etymological root in the name of the goddess Hebe, meaning "to take strength, to become young." The group interprets this verb conceptually as continuous renewal, also evident in the motion of waves represented in the company's logo. By experimenting with different artistic languages, Teatro Ebasko explores the functionality of the body and voice on stage. An integral part of this experimentation is the work of street theater, which takes in ancient myths and stories, transforming them into urban dramaturgies. Since its early years, Teatro Ebasko has designed and conducted workshops and laboratories for people of all ages and genders, specializing especially in the student group. The company's repertoire includes 3 indoor shows (Mèlisse, Fragalà and Animal Farm), 1 outdoor show (Circe with 2023 tour supported by the City of Bologna) and 2 currently in production (Cosmos and Black Plains). Since 2020, Teatro Ebasko has been organizing the RaMe - RAdici del MEditerraneo | International Festival of Theater and Performing Arts and has developed the YIAS | Young International Art Symposium project, an informal group reflecting on contemporary art issues. Over the years, the company has managed art festivals, cultural and social inclusion projects, achieving success in public and private calls and national and international festival calls. Since 2022, Teatro Ebasko has been part of the Network RisoNanze, a network that involves festivals and companies from all over Italy in a national co-design network as well as being a member of the Italian Federation of Artists (Fed.It.Art.)