Teatro Ebasko was founded in Bologna in 2015. Founded by a group of 12 people, it chooses its name from the ancient Greek ἡβάσκω: "to take strength, to become young".
The etymological root of the name comes from 'Hebe' the goddess of youth, divine handmaiden, wife of Heracles the demigod.
For us, theatre is an art capable of transforming the world according to principles of beauty and poetry; through the ritual of performance, peoples and cultures are united in a political dialogue between the beholder and the watched. Without the representation of one's own behaviour, human beings would not have the catharsis that theatre and art give them in order to emancipate their nature, to experience and understand the mystery of life more deeply;
The areas in which the group works are mainly four:
ARTISTIC ➥ creation of shows and performances (indoor, outdoor and street)
SOCIO-CULTURAL ➥ design and implementation of socio-cultural projects
ORGANISATION ➥ organisation and management of cultural events, projects and activities
PEDAGOGICAL ➥ running training courses, theatre workshops and creative residencies
BOLOGNA ➥ The Teatro Ebasko APS has its legal and operational seat in Bologna and carries out most of its activities in the city of Emilia-Romagna. It was formally established on 29 February 2016. It manages the space in Piazza dei Colori 10 a/b from July 2021 following the winning of Incredibol's real estate tender. "Bottega di Ebe" is the name chosen by the group and inside there is a rehearsal room and the project office.
ROME ➥ During the first pandemic (in March 2020), the association won the call for bids of the V municipality for the management of a former commercial space located in Via Prenestina in Rome. The space is being developed as a centre for artistic production and an arts and crafts workshop."Ebask_Lab" is the name of the association's second operational headquarters, which also houses all the company's archives and the storage of objects and sets from the shows.
MELISSA ➥ Since 2017 the company has organised the cultural and creative residency "Ra. Me. - Le Radici del Mediterraneo' in the ancient village of Melissa in the province of Crotone, Calabria. Since 2020 RaMe has been transformed into a Theatre and Performing Arts Festival hosting more than 80 people including artists, students, resident spectators, volunteers and tourists from all over the world.
NOME: Teatro Ebasko APS
SEDE LEGALE: Via Salita Matteotti 14 - 88814 Melissa (KR), Italia
CELL. SEGRETERIA: +39 3518194196
E-MAIL: info@teatroebasko.com
PEC: teatroebasko@pec.it
Teatro Ebasko APS
Donazione volontaria
DONAZIONE 2/5x1000